Economical & SustainableSupporting our Clean Energy Future

Contributing to a sustainable future is integral to every stage of PNE’s operations.

Sustainability is at the Core of PNE’s Operations.

Making a positive environmental and ethical impact is integral to every stage of PNE’s operations. We are dedicated to achieving environmentally and socially conscious benchmarks in the recycling of lithium-ion batteries.

Our Mission

We look to fundamentally change the economics and processes of battery production and recycling.

Our Vision

Establish the United States as a hub of world-class cathode and anode production through unique, patented, industry-leading advanced manufacturing techniques, built and run by a well-paid, well-educated domestic workforce committed to making a difference.

Achieving Our Vision: Engineering Superior Sustainable Results

Designed into everything we do when compared with virgin battery materials -our advanced manufacturing techniques help deliver on the promise of new cathode and anode materials at half the cost with near zero waste!

Don’t Destroy, Rejuvenate!

Traditional recycling wastes energy and time. Our patented LPAS™ plasma treatment and MSAL™ surface rejuvenation remove material defects, restoring battery materials to OEM performance — on-site!

Relentless Efficiency from the Start!

Streamlined processes deliver pure cathode in 3-5 days. No volatile organic compounds are used; all materials are treated or recycled. Modular and scalable designs, from 3-10k TPA per line, allow production to be placed on-site with ‘right-sized’ efficiency tailored to meet your needs. Co-location or in proximity to your plants minimize recycling transportation costs, time and emissions.

Achieving Net-Zero with Our Patented LPAS™ and MSAL™ Technologies

Water consumption and energy usage are reduced by nearly 70% when compared to traditional recycling methods. By including on-site solar and renewable power, exploring local biomass/biochar energy partnerships, and sourcing off-site green/net-zero power, we strive for net-zero across our operational footprint.

  • Net Zero Carbon
  • Net Zero Gas & Liquid
  • Net Zero Energy
  • Net Zero Water
  • 68%

    Lower CO2

  • Low

    Gas & Liquid

  • 73%

    Less Energy

  • 69%

    Less Water

  • At the core of it all, are unique and sustainable technologies powering Princeton NuEnergy into the future!

    LPAS™: Low-Temperature Plasma-Assisted Separation. Our unique, patented process utilizes plasma to cleanse cathode and anode surfaces efficiently.

    MSAL™: Micro-Molten Shell-Assisted Lithiation process, which fully restores the original crystal structure and morphology from R-pCAM, replenishing the lithium in cathode active material.

  • Low

    Less Gas & Liquid Waste

    Principium autem unde latius se funditabat, emersit ex negotio tali. Chilo ex vicario et coniux eius Maxima nomine, questi apud Olybrium ea tempestate urbi praefectum, vitamque suam venenis petitam adseverantes inpetrarunt ut

  • 73 %

    Less Energy Emissions

    Principium autem unde latius se funditabat, emersit ex negotio tali. Chilo ex vicario et coniux eius Maxima nomine, questi apud Olybrium ea tempestate urbi praefectum, vitamque suam venenis petitam adseverantes inpetrarunt ut

  • 69 %

    Less Water Emissions

    Principium autem unde latius se funditabat, emersit ex negotio tali. Chilo ex vicario et coniux eius Maxima nomine, questi apud Olybrium ea tempestate urbi praefectum, vitamque suam venenis petitam adseverantes inpetrarunt ut

Sustainable Operations

Our new Chester South Carolina facility is designed from the ground-up to be both a good place to work, and a work-place done well:

New Factory with Zero Carbon Design

  • Rooftop solar powers central office and air conditioning loads.
  • Large fans and open airflow naturally cool factory work spaces.
  • Net-zero alternatives to traditional grid power are under continuous evaluation.
  • Rainwater is captured for recharge vs. runoff.
  • Manufacturing wastes are carefully collected for recycling or safe, offsite processing.
  • Safety training for materials handling, fire protection and rapid response are mandated from Day 1.

Additionally, facility scale is highly modular, optimizing production but also operational safety and flexibility throughout!

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ESG Goals
We Have Achieved